These 10 Dog Breeds Would Totally Win Gold at the Olympic Games

Every four years, the whole world comes together to witness the greatest athletes of our time in the Olympics. OK, this last one took five years, but that only added to the hype. The Tokyo games are here and we're all glued to our television and computer screens. Even people who don't like sports are drawn to the intensity of going for the gold.

golden retriever walking with woman
RyanJLane / Getty

But us humans aren't the only athletes out there. Many of our best furry friends have incredible strength, stamina, and speed, making them athletes in their own right. Have you ever wondered what dog breed best aligns with your favorite Olympic sport? Even if you haven't, we took the liberty of deciding what dogs would bring home a gold medal and why.

Swimming: Portuguese Water Dog

The name says it all. Portuguese water dogs are natural-born swimmers, so they're no stranger to the pool. These fluffy, buoyant good boys were originally bred to be fishing dogs and today are one of the most athletic breeds out there. We can only assume these pups would be all eyes on the puppy prize at the Olympic medleys.

Track and Field: Greyhound

When it comes to running, no dog breed can compete with the famous greyhounds. You may have known them to be world-renowned sprinters, but did you know greyhounds can also tackle long distance runs? One of the oldest recorded breeds, these impressive pups can reach speeds of up to 45 mph.

Gymnastics: Miniature Pinscher

Olympics gymnasts are defined by being tiny and mighty. That's why the miniature pinscher is the perfect pup to bring home the gold. At around 12 inches tall and 10 pounds on average, these little fiends would be fierce on the beam and like lightning on the vault. These little dogs have a big personality making them a shoo-in for a medal on the floor exercise.

Weightlifting: Rottweiler

Weightlifting isn't a sport for the faint of heart. That's why we have every confidence in the Rottweiler to rise to the challenge and kick some bone. These daunting dogs are highly muscular with broad shoulders and high intelligence, meaning they'll be able to lift or pull just about anything. Rottweilers will surely flex their way to the top of that Olympic podium.

Equestrian: Australian Shepherd

When it comes to taming horses, Australian shepherds rise to the occasion. Heck, they can herd just about any animal. These dogs can be extremely disciplined, meaning they'll stay cool and collected under Olympic-level pressure to win. Beyond being both smart and playful, they're also one of the healthiest breeds around. A dog sometimes synonymous with cowboy culture and westerns, wrangling horses is no sweat off their back.

Beach Volleyball: Labrador Retriever

What's a beach day without a Labrador retriever soaking up the sun? Labs are rowdy enough to keep up the energy and trainable enough to keep their eyes on the prize. Not to mention a retriever's innate draw towards all things ball related. Happy and hardworking, these pups are the perfect beach companion and volleyball partner.

Skateboarding: American Bulldog

Skaters are known for being laid back personalities that still bring the energy when it comes to their sport. That's why the American bulldog is any skaters' soul sister. This breed is easy-going but highly focused, making them a perfect trailblazing (or tailblazing) contender for the newest Olympic event.

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Tennis: German Shorthaired Pointers

All sports are physically demanding, but the running back and forth required of tennis players is especially greuling. But we have the utmost confidence in German shorthaired pointers to keep up the pace. These agile, athletic dogs are great at endurance activities, not to mention their skills at fetching. Between dominating the court and nailing that fuzzy green ball, German shorthaired pointers have all the makings of an Olympic tennis champion.

Rugby: Leonberger

There may not be a stronger dog breed than the Leonberger. These massive dogs have been bred to pull heavy loads for centuries, which means carrying a ball across a rugby field would be a breeze. Despite their gargantuan size, these big boys are also big loves. In a sport defined by strength and stamina, Leonbergers will deliver nothing less than a gold medal.

Baseball/Softball: Golden Retriever

What better dog to be a catcher than the famous, lovable golden retriever? Eager to please (and to run wild) these good boys will do everything in their puppy power for a home run. Baseball is a game of sit and stay just as much as it is run and fetch. Goldens are the gold standard for all these virtues making them the perfect partner in a game of catch. And of course a golden is going to retrieve a gold medal, it's in their name after all. Plus, how cute would they look in a baseball cap?

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